Local public transport | Special data
Public transport is a key factor for retail, real estate, advertising and industry. It influences locations in retail or gastronomy and is highly relevant for high-reach media planning. It also plays an important role in the valuation of private and commercial real estate and the determination of noise indices.
In addition to stops, the rail lines of railroads, streetcars, subways and commuter trains as well as the corresponding line information form the structural basis for our Germany-wide public transport data.
Depending on the starting point, the public transport data can also be enriched with other useful information:
Starting point Building
- Number of public transport services in the vicinity (as the crow flies/footpath)
- Distance to the nearest stop
- Reach through the combination of footpath and train
- Distance to centers/subcenters (high traffic areas).
Starting points Shop/Point of Interest (POI)
- Stops in the vicinity (as the crow flies/footpath)
Starting point stop
- Number of households in the vicinity (as the crow flies/footpath)
- POIs in the vicinity of the stop (e.g. sports facilities, cultural institutions)
- Stop density
- Public transport supply at the residential district, Municipality and Zip code levels.
- Proximity to pedestrian zones (centers, subcenters)
- Topshops/stores near you