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Employment | Market data

Employment in Germany refers to the labor market and the employment situation in the country. Some important aspects are available here, which are characterized by features such as employed persons, unemployed persons, education, civil servant status and others.


*Area level that is directly available for the feature. Further area levels on request.

Categories by employee status

*Municipality, County / Zip code


Out-commuters are those who leave the Municipality in which they have their primary residence to pursue their profession. Commuters are those who come to work in a Municipality in which they do not live.


  • Total commuters
  • Total commuters
  • Commuter balance: difference between inbound and outbound commuters
  • Commuting rate: commuters in and out per 1,000 inhabitants
  • Day/night population coefficient
  • Daytime population
*Municipality, County / Zip code


  • Labor force, total at place of residence (also for data level: Neighbourhood)
  • Dependent civilian employees at place of residence
  • All civilian employed persons at place of residence (also for data level: Neighbourhood)
  • Employment density (employed persons per 1,000 inhabitants)
  • Employment rate1 (labor force per 1,000 inhabitants)
  • Employment rate2 (employed persons per 100 economically active persons) Economically active persons
  • Sum of employed and unemployed persons.
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code, 


  • Total unemployed
  • Unemployment rate in percent
  • Unemployment rate (reference: dependent labor force)
*Municipality, County

Unemployed by origin

  • Unemployed, Germans
  • Unemployed, other nationality
*Municipality, County

Unemployed according to 6 age groups

  • Unemployed under 20
  • Unemployed 20 - 24 years
  • Unemployed 25 - 49 years
  • Unemployed 50 - 54 years
  • Unemployed 55 years and older
*County, Municipality

Unemployed persons under the Third Book of the Social Code (SGB II and III)

  • Unemployed Hartz IV
  • Unemployed short term
*Municipality, County


  • Number of farmers who run a main or part-time farm
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code


  • Pupil at place of residence
  • Trainees at place of residence
  • Students at place of residence
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code


  • Self-employed / freelancers, total
  • Self-employed / freelancers, total monthly net income over EUR 1,500
  • Other self-employed and freelancers and family workers
*Municipality, County / Zip code


  • Civil servants, judges and regular and professional soldiers
  • Civil servants, judges and regular and professional soldiers at the place of residence
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code 

Office jobs by 14 economic sectors

  • Office workstations, total
  • Office workplaces in agriculture, forestry and fisheries
  • Office workplaces in mining, quarrying, energy and water supply, wastewater and waste disposal and pollution removal
  • Office jobs in the manufacturing industry (excluding construction)
  • Office workplaces in the construction industry
  • Office jobs in the trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
  • Office workplaces in the hospitality industry
  • Office workplaces in the transport and warehousing sector
  • Office workstations in the area of information and communication
  • Office workplaces at financial and insurance service providers
  • Office jobs in real estate and housing, freelance, scientific, technical and other business services
  • Office workplaces in public administration, defence, social security, extraterritorial organizations and corporations Office workplaces in education and teaching    
  • Office workplaces in the healthcare and social services sector
  • Office jobs in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector, other public, personal and private services
  • Office jobs in other economic sectors
  • Desk density, number of office workplaces per 1,000 inhabitants


*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Employees subject to social security contributions

  • Employees subject to social security contributions at place of residence
  • Employees subject to social security contributions at the place of work
  • Employees subject to social insurance contributions at place of residence and place of work
*Municipality, County

Employees subject to social insurance contributions by gender

  • Employees subject to social insurance contributions, men at place of residence
  • Employees subject to social insurance contributions, women at place of residence
*Municipality, County

Persons subject to social insurance contributions by origin at place of residence

  • Employees subject to social insurance contributions, Germans
  • Employees subject to social insurance contributions, other nationality
*Municipality, County / Zip code

Low-paid employees

  • Exclusively marginally paid employees at their place of residence
* Municipality, County

Persons subject to social insurance contributions in 4 age groups at place of residence

  • Employees under the age of 20 subject to social insurance contributions
  • Employees subject to social insurance contributions between 20 and 24 years of age
  • Employees subject to social insurance contributions between 25 and 54 years of age
  • Employees aged 55 and over subject to social insurance contributions

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