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Households | Market data

A private household is any group of persons living together and forming an economic unit, as well as persons who live and work alone. Nexiga shows the number of households at the selected level. Additional statements on the structure of households are possible.


*Area level that is directly available for the feature. Further area levels on request.

Households by size category

* Street segment, Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Households (by class)

  • Total households (also data level buildings)
  • Average household size (inhabitants per household)
*County, Municipality, Neighbourhood, Zip code, Micro- Zip code

Households by two size categories

  • Total households
  • Number of single-person households
  • Number of households with two or more people
*Municipality, County / Zip code

Households by five size classes

  • Households, total
  • Single-person households
  • Two-person households
  • Three-person households
  • Four-person households
  • Households with five or more people
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Households by three size classes

  • Total households
  • Single-person households
  • Two-person households
  • Households with three or more people

Households by age

* Street segment, Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Households by age of household head in 4 classes

  • Households, total
  • Households, age of the head of household
  • < 30 Jahre​
  • Households, age of the head of household
  • 30 - 44 years
  • Households, age of the head of household
  • 45 - 59 years
  • Households, age of the head of household
  • 60 years and older
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Households by age of household head in 6 classes

  • Households, total
  • Haushalte, Alter des Haushaltsvorstandes < 30 Jahre
  • Households, age of household head 30 - 39 years
  • Households, age of household head 40 - 49 years
  • Households, age of household head 50 - 59 years
  • Households, age of household head 60 - 69 years
  • Households, age of household head 70 years and older

Households and income

*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Households by 6 income classes

  • under 900 EUR
  • 900,- to 1.500 EUR
  • 1.500,- to 2.600 EUR
  • 2.600,- to 3.600 EUR
  • 3.600,- to 5.000 EUR
  • over EUR 5,000
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Households by 3 annual income classes

Households with an annual net income of


  • under EUR 25,000
  • 25,000 to 50,000 EUR
  • over EUR 50,000

Purchasing power for 1, 2, 3+ person households

*Municipality, County

Households by 3 size categories

  • Purchasing power of one-person households [€ million]
  • Purchasing power of two-person households [€ million]
  • Purchasing power of households with 3 or more people [€ million]
  • Purchasing power of single-person households [€ per household]
  • Purchasing power of two-person households [€ per household]

Households with children

*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Zip code

Total households with children

*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Zip code

Households with children in 3 classes

  • Households with children, total
  • With one child
  • With two children
  • with three and more children
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Zip code

Households by age of children in 4 classes 

  • Households with children, total
  • with children from 0 - 5 years
  • with children from 6 - 14 years
  • with children from 15 - 17 years
  • with children aged 18 and over

Households by lifestyle

*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code


DINKS stands for "Double Income No Kids" and refers to couples who do not have children and work full-time, thus earning an above-average income.


  • DINKS households (Double Income No Kids) with a monthly household net income of over 3,000. 
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code


  • Yuppie households (DINKS and high-consumption singles under 35)
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

High-consumption singles

Single households with a monthly net income of over EUR 2,000

*Municipality, County


The term LOHAS is English and means 'Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability'. LOHAS is the term used to describe people who live a health-conscious lifestyle characterized by an orientation towards the principles of sustainability.


  • LOHAS households (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability)
  • LOHAS households - Index (FRG = 100)

Households by shift

* Street segment, Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Households by social class in 6 classes

  • Households, total            
  • Upper class households  
  • Upper middle class households
  • Middle class households
  • Lower middle class households
  • Households of the lower class

Structure of the budget 

* Street segment, Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Household structure

  • Households with a foreign head of household
  • Households with title holders

Advertising behavior

* Street segment, Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Advertising deniers

  • Households, total            
  • Households with advertising refusers    
  • Advertising denier quota

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