Nexiga data finder

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Market data | General

Markets and target groups

Available at different area levels!

Market information are characteristics that qualitatively describe a market. We distinguish here between two types of information depth.

1 | The fine adjustment at house level

Microgeographical information represents the smallest level of data that is fully available across the country. Based on the housing stock of over 22 million buildings in Germany, this level offers an enormous density of information. It therefore forms an interface between information at house level and the data spectrum of geomarketing, which until now has tended to focus on macroeconomic data.

Nexiga house database

Microgeographical data

Nexiga was the first company in Germany to start collecting microgeographical data and making it usable. Today, Nexiga's building database is one of the most comprehensive and accurate databases of local information. More than 180 pieces of information have been compiled for all buildings in Germany, describing the consumer landscape in detail and in compliance with data protection regulations - because it is anonymous.


In addition to official data sources, this is based on Germany's only on-site home inspection and Germany's largest household survey with over five million respondents, which are kept up to date via corresponding verification processes.

Data protection included - In the interests of our customers, it goes without saying that we always comply with all legal data protection requirements when researching and processing data and, for example, anonymize personal data.

2 | Official, postal or individual structuring

Our data is also collected according to the hierarchically graded official administrative levels (KGS) or according to the classification criteria of Deutsche Post (Zip code). On request, however, we can also arrange all data according to the structures or sales territories with which your company plans and works.


The origin of the data is very diverse: sources include statistical offices of the federal government, state and cities, economic institutions and associations, market surveys, etc. Depending on the geographic precision of the available market information, it is either aggregated from very small spatial units to larger ones in statistical procedures or, conversely, disaggregated using special procedures. In any case, the aim is always to map the data comprehensively - and this for all geographic levels such as city and county, Municipality and Postal code as well as within cities for statistical districts and fine-grained residential or postal quarters.


The finest component is the Street segment, i.e. a part of a street defined on the basis of house numbers, for which the important key data of the market data are available.


You can find more information here.

General statement on territory structures

The official territorial structure of the Federal Republic of Germany is hierarchical. The relationship between the different territorial levels is clearly defined via a numerical referencing system. This structure is mapped by the official district municipality key KGS, on which the database is based. Each Municipality is defined with an 8-digit key number (KGS8). The key enables assignment to all higher levels such as County (KGS5), Administrative district (KGS3) or Federal state (KGS2).


Below the municipal level, the hierarchical logic is continued and forms further subdivision levels with statistical districts in large and medium-sized cities, statistical districts in some large cities and, above all, residential districts in all cities and municipalities. The statistical districts (KGS12) and statistical district parts (KGS16) are official. The residential districts (KGS22) are included as a sub-unit in the official classification. These are territorial units originally formed from electoral districts with an average of 500 households, which are as homogeneous as possible. An ideal analysis grid that is fine-grained, highly segmentable, statistically stable and easy to visualize on maps.


Over two million road sections (KGS36) represent all roads in Germany and can be clearly aggregated to all higher levels such as residential quarters, statistical districts and municipalities, but also postal codes.


The finest component of the grid is the Building (KGS44), which can of course also be assigned to all higher levels. Nexiga has an almost complete address register that is continuously updated. All building addresses documented with official or postal sources are localized and georeferenced. There are currently over 28.3 million addresses in the Nexiga database.

More questions about our data?

Are you interested in a specific data characteristic or would you like to learn how it can be used for analyses and with our systems? Please use the contact form without any obligation. We are looking forward to your questions!