Schools | Special data
The Nexiga school database covers all areas of the German education system. The database provides a targeted overview of the whole of Germany.
- Over 33,000 schools including addresses throughout Germany
- All types of schools (elementary schools, secondary schools, high schools, comprehensive schools, special schools and other types of schools)
- All addresses with house-exact Nexiga coordinates
- School size (number of students in size categories) available
Infrastructure in the school environment
Exclusive information about the school addresses is provided by the diverse market and geodata. These answer about the position-exact coordinates what is to be found in the periphery of the school and how it stands around accessibility and binding. These are data such as:
- Location Information/Infrastructure
- Transport links (public transport)
- Purchasing power, social milieus
- Top Shops/Top Brands
- Broadband connection
- uvm.