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Construction activity | Market data

Construction activity in Germany includes all activities related to the construction, renovation and demolition of buildings and infrastructure. Some aspects of construction activity are recorded in the database.


*Area level that is directly available for the feature. Further area levels on request.

Living environment

*Building, County, Municipality, Neighbourhood, Street segment / Zip code, Micro postal code


  • Very good
  • Good
  • Satisfactory
  • Sufficient
  • Unsatisfactory
  • Very unsatisfactory
*Building, County, Municipality, Neighbourhood, Street segment, / Zip code, Micro postal code


  • Village center location
  • Location
  • Location on the outskirts
  • Houses outside the village
Building, County, Municipality, Neighbourhood, Street segment / Zip code, Micro postal code

Road type

  • Main/through road
  • Side road / much traffic
  • Side road/low traffic
  • Residents' street
  • Street traffic calmed
  • Pedestrian zone

Housing stock

*Municipality, County

Stock of residential buildings by number of apartments

  • Total stock of residential buildings (also data level: Neighbourhood, micro-Zip code)
  • Stock of residential buildings with one apartment (single-family house)
  • Stock of residential buildings with two apartments (two-family house)
  • Portfolio of residential buildings with three or more apartments
  • Stock of living space in 1,000m2
*Municipality, County

Stock of apartments in residential buildings

  • Total number of apartments in residential buildings (also data level: Neighbourhood, micro-Zip code)
  • Stock of apartments in residential buildings with 1 apartment
  • Stock of apartments in residential buildings with 2 apartments
  • Stock of apartments in residential buildings with 1 and 2 apartments
  • Stock of apartments in residential buildings with 3 or more apartments
*Municipality, County

Housing stock in residential and non-residential buildings

  • Total number of apartments in residential buildings
  • Total number of apartments in non-residential buildings
*Municipality, County

Housing stock by number of dwellings in residential and non-residential buildings

  • Total number of apartments in residential and non-residential buildings
  • Stock of apartments in residential and non-residential buildings with one room
  • Stock of apartments in residential and non-residential buildings with two rooms
  • Stock of apartments in residential and non-residential buildings with three rooms
  • Stock of apartments in residential and non-residential buildings with four rooms
  • Stock of apartments in residential and non-residential buildings with five rooms
  • Stock of apartments in residential and non-residential buildings with six rooms
  • Stock of apartments in residential and non-residential buildings with seven or more rooms
  • Number of rooms in apartments with seven and more rooms

Building permits

Building permits for the construction of new floor space in non-residential buildingsm2

*Municipality, County

Building permits for residential buildings by number of apartments (new construction)

  • Building permits for the construction of new residential buildings, total
  • Building permits for the construction of new residential buildings with 1 apartment
  • Building permits for the construction of new residential buildings with 2 apartments
  • Building permits for the construction of new residential buildings with 3 or more apartments
  • Building permits for the construction of new living space in residential buildings inm2
*Municipality, County

Building permits for apartments in residential and non-residential buildings by number of rooms

  • Building permits in residential and non-residential buildings (including construction measures) - Total dwellings
  • Building permits in residential and non-residential buildings (including construction measures) - apartments with 1-2 rooms
  • Building permits in residential and non-residential buildings (including construction measures) - dwellings with 3 rooms
  • Building permits in residential and non-residential buildings (including construction measures) - apartments with 4 rooms
  • Building permits in residential and non-residential buildings (including construction measures) - dwellings with 5 or more rooms
*Municipality, County

Construction intensity

  • Construction intensity - approved new dwellings (residential construction) per 1,000 inhabitants
*Municipality, County

Building permits for apartments in residential buildings by number of apartments

  • Building permits for the construction of new apartments in residential buildings, total
  • Building permits for the construction of new apartments in residential buildings with 1 apartment
  • Building permits for the construction of new apartments in residential buildings with 2 apartments
  • Building permits for the construction of new apartments in residential buildings with 3 or more apartments
*Municipality, County

Building permits for non-residential buildings

  • Building permits for the construction of new non-residential buildings, total
  • Building permits for apartments in non-residential buildings
  • Building permits for the construction of new floor space in non-residential buildings m2

Building completions

*Municipality, County

Completions of apartments in residential buildings

  • Total housing completions
  • Completions of apartments in single-family houses
  • Completions of apartments in two-family houses
  • Completions of apartments in three-family and multi-family houses
  • Construction completions of living space in m²
* Municipality, County

Completion of residential buildings by number of apartments

  • Completions of residential buildings in total
  • Completions of residential buildings with one apartment (single-family house)
  • Completions of residential buildings with two apartments (two-family house)
  • Completions of residential buildings with three or more apartments
*Municipality, County

Completions of non-residential buildings

  • Total construction completions for new non-residential buildings

  • Building completion for the construction of new usable space in non-residential buildingsm2

  • Construction completion of apartments in non-residential buildings

*Municipality, County

Construction completions of apartments in residential and non-residential buildings by number of rooms

  • Construction completions in residential and non-residential buildings (including construction measures) - apartments
  • Construction completions in residential and non-residential buildings (including construction measures) - apartments with 1-2 rooms
  • Construction completions in residential and non-residential buildings (including construction measures) - dwellings with 3 rooms
  • Construction completions in residential and non-residential buildings (including construction measures) - apartments with 4 rooms
  • Construction completions in residential and non-residential buildings (including construction measures) - dwellings with 5 or more rooms

Building force

Nexiga's forecast of construction volume in residential and non-residential construction (building construction) includes construction measures requiring approval and other construction measures. The distinction between residential and non-residential buildings is made according to the main use.

*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Construction strength ratios Residential

  • Construction strength Residential construction absolute in EUR million
  • Building power of residential construction in per mille (FRG = 1,000)
  • Construction power Residential construction per inhabitant in EUR
  • Construction Power Index Residential (FRG = 100)
*Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Construction strength ratios non-residential construction

  • Non-residential construction absolute in EUR million
  • Non-residential construction in per mille (FRG = 1,000)
  • Non-residential construction per capita in EUR
  • Non-residential construction strength index (FRG = 100)
* Street segment, Neighbourhood, Municipality, County / Micro postal code, Zip code

Development according to housing types in 9 classes

  • Total buildings
  • upscale housing in small communities
  • simple living
  • average living
  • dignified living
  • upscale housing standard in cities
  • Postwar housing complexes
  • Big city apartment blocks
  • super living quality
  • Housing type unknown

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