Use company addresses strategically

Accurate business data for solid environment and market analyses.

Analyze companies and catchment areas

It's good to know what's going on in the neighborhood, and not just in the private sphere!

A conscientious environment or market analysis is also important in B2B business - for example, for successful location planning and branch planning. With Nexiga's company addresses and market data , we offer you all the relevant decision-making aids you need for a strategically sensible placement.

Neighborhood and surroundings, competitors and POIs


Our market data provides you with a wide range of information and business data on company locations and points of interest at all territorial levels.


Check the environment for competitors, stores and their locations in detail. In addition to the 4 million company addresses, Nexiga Topshops - Germany offers you a comprehensive and unique database of chain stores.


So, if you want to know specifically and much more about a particular company, Nexiga's company database is the right place for you.

Our data can be delivered according to Zip code, Neighbourhood, Street segment and other spatial specifications, or as an exact company address at house level. The Nexiga Geocoder provides you with an exact geocoding always the exact coordinate to each address.

4 million company addresses, endless possibilities

With a geo-information system such as Nexiga Market Analyst, all information can also be displayed in clear maps and used for extensive analyses : Comparisons to competitor companies, calculation of expected sales hotspots, view of business parks - no problem!


Excellent services for evaluating address data are also provided by the company counter, which ranks companies according to 15 industries as well as 148 subcategories and sizes, making comparisons particularly easy.

Use your infinite possibilities!