Category: Analysis

a cartoon of a man carrying a bag

Darkness makes thieves

Or to put it geographically: where darkness makes more thieves... Over the past four years, the number of domestic burglaries in Germany has changed considerably. Especially in the

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a few blue houses with a thermometer

Data for heat planning

Although local authorities already have a lot of data, it is often fragmented, incomplete or in incompatible formats. This is why they are sometimes supported externally with tools and high-quality data sets in the necessary processes. For example, building data such as year of construction, living space or heating age is used to create digital twins of the municipalities that replicate physical reality and simulate scenarios.

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Target groups change

Industry is the largest energy consumer in Germany, but private households are right behind. They use the majority of their energy to heat apartments and houses. Despite improved insulation in recent decades, energy demand continues to rise as living space increases.

Efficient energy planning can be supported by the Nexiga heat demand map, which shows the heat demand in detail down to street level.

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GIS Trends & Highlights

Industry is the largest energy consumer in Germany, but private households are right behind. They use the majority of their energy to heat apartments and houses. Despite improved insulation in recent decades, energy demand continues to rise as living space increases.

Efficient energy planning can be supported by the Nexiga heat demand map, which shows the heat demand in detail down to street level.

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Optimum grid stability thanks to heat pump and solar potential

Industry is the largest energy consumer in Germany, but private households are right behind. They use the majority of their energy to heat apartments and houses. Despite improved insulation in recent decades, energy demand continues to rise as living space increases.

Efficient energy planning can be supported by the Nexiga heat demand map, which shows the heat demand in detail down to street level.

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New trends in consumer behavior

Industry is the largest energy consumer in Germany, but private households are right behind. They use the majority of their energy to heat apartments and houses. Despite improved insulation in recent decades, energy demand continues to rise as living space increases.

Efficient energy planning can be supported by the Nexiga heat demand map, which shows the heat demand in detail down to street level.

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House facade heating requirements

Efficient heat supply for residential buildings

Industry is the largest energy consumer in Germany, but private households are right behind. They use the majority of their energy to heat apartments and houses. Despite improved insulation in recent decades, energy demand continues to rise as living space increases.

Efficient energy planning can be supported by the Nexiga heat demand map, which shows the heat demand in detail down to street level.

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Display distance Building to Building matrix

House2House matrix - method of analyzing spatial distances

Last Sunday was the state election in Saxony-Anhalt, for many a barometer of mood for the federal election in September. The election results were also observed in faraway countries: Thus, in the ticker reports of the Bloomberg TV stock exchange channel from New York City, the news appeared late Sunday evening that elections were held in the poorest Federal state ("poorest state") of Germany. Is that so? What does the Nexiga purchasing power data say about this?

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