Coordinates & addresses, plan precisely!

Successful location planning with precision.

Location quality absolutely reliable

Addresses are only half the truth. Where exactly the addresses are located and how they are connected depends on the correct coordinate.


Because only with the exact geographic coordinates - for example house coordinates, position coordinates, latitude and longitude - can decisive entrepreneurial questions be answered with certainty.


For all our house coordinates, more than 300 descriptive features with over 1,000 characteristics are available from the Nexiga Building database.

Coordinates form an important basis for:

With the right geocoding to the right coordinate

The coordinate system of your success depends on the targeted geocoding of your address data. Because this gives you new insights and gives you a better overview of your customers, target groups or sales territories.

Thus, a wide range of coordinates - from location and house coordinates to latitude and longitude and GPS coordinates - systematically provide you with more information about connections, distances, routes and much more.

Our data is available for all levels of positional accuracy: from the official house coordinates of the national survey to interpolated house coordinates based on the basic data of Deutsche Telekom, TomTom or OpenStreetMap. 

In the real estate industry, at public authorities and security services (e.g. the police) as well as in administration, science and research, this data is in daily use.

With this support, you can accurately perform address-specific site planning and evaluation of any place or location.