Category: Market data

Poor Federal state, rich Federal state?

Last Sunday was the state election in Saxony-Anhalt, for many a barometer of mood for the federal election in September. The election results were also observed in faraway countries: Thus, in the ticker reports of the Bloomberg TV stock exchange channel from New York City, the news appeared late Sunday evening that elections were held in the poorest Federal state ("poorest state") of Germany. Is that so? What does the Nexiga purchasing power data say about this?

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Census 2021 becomes Census 2022

Actually, the German population was to be counted once again these days. In the Census Act 2021, the census was set in relation to the deadline of May 16, 2021. Because the last census took place in May 2011 and due to the EU census regulations, Germany is obliged to conduct a census every 10 years. But Corona has now prevented this "event" as well. By law, the census has been postponed by one year due to the pandemic. The deadline is now May 15, 2022, but a correction of the population figures as dramatic as that caused by the 2011 census is not to be expected as a result of the 2022 census.

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Data enrichment through geoenrichment

Existing data offers valuable insights by linking it with additional data. Data enrichment thus provides the appropriate context between these data, and new insights can be derived from them. If the spatial location is also involved, we speak of geoenrichment.
This is a common principle, because even the ancient Romans knew how fertile the land of individual farmers in the provinces was. And they did this by linking the "addresses" of the time with geographical data (soil properties, groundwater resources, etc.). With the Nexiga Geoenrichment Server, this would definitely be more comfortable today. We present the use cases.

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Successful data management for ERP and CRM systems

ERP and CRM systems are central information and data hubs in the company that bundle the data of the respective company and its customers. To make these systems successful, information must be relevant and demonstrably add depth to the description of a customer in a CRM or ERP system. This requires data quality, which requires certain quality processes. So what is the really valuable data and how is quality ensured ? We have summarized the most important factors.

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Building with garden, Porsche and solar roof

Since the first lockdown exactly one year ago, the garden industry has been experiencing a new heyday. Spring was - as is currently the case - just around the corner anyway, and in many places DIY stores and garden centers were conveniently allowed to keep their doors open. The urge of many people to make life a little more beautiful, at least in their own garden or on the terrace / balcony, remains unbroken.
Geographically, it is interesting to see where the target group for higher-priced gardening tools, for example, can be found. Garden owners with a high affinity for brands tend to have high incomes, and a large garden is a good prerequisite. Nexiga has the data.

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Purchasing power 2021 loses strength

As every year, Nexiga determines the purchasing power of German consumers. In times when employment and consumption are on the back burner, it is not surprising that average disposable income is also falling. The increase in purchasing power in recent years has been halted by the subdued economic performance of the Corona pandemic. You can see what this means in detail or very specifically for your Municipality in the Nexiga Purchasing Power Map.

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Official data - position

The more precise, the better. Precise coordinates and house perimeters are part of every relevant geodata inventory. Nexiga also generates new and independent products from the official coordinates and house perimeters of the ZSHH. Nexiga house coordinates and Nexiga house perimeters are generated via geoprocesses. These can be used for a wide variety of analyses - always precisely where the highest accuracy, concrete determination of potential and pinpoint expansion are required.

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Corona+ Information Gain

The interactive dashboard not only provides an overview of current infection events. It provides additional information of the counties and cities that go beyond the pure COVID-19 indicators, but are still closely related to them. Information such as the number of residents, schools and students, nursing homes and nursing home residents, food service establishments, and more. Also, take the opportunity to predict the date when at least 60% of the adult population will be vaccinated based on the current vaccination tempo.

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Schools in the data network - the 1a database

There are good reasons to know exactly where schools are located. This makes planning much easier at one point or another. The Nexiga school database covers all areas of the German education system. With more than 300 additional features, further information on schools and educational institutions can be further deepened. Infrastructure and broadband availability are just two examples.

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