Purchasing power 2024

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Once a year, we calculate the forecast purchasing power for the whole of Germany. Nexiga has calculated a considerable increase in the current purchasing power per capitapurchasing power to EUR 27,926 : EUR 2,049 more than in the previous year.s is an increase of 7,9%.


In real terms, purchasing power looks different, as this gain is largely eroded by the significant rise in prices as a result of the coronavirus and Ukraine crises. Inflation has a direct impact on the development of purchasing power and plays a decisive role in determining the real value of money in the hands of consumers.

When inflation rises, purchasing power decreases, as the same amount of money can buy fewer products or services. For example, Germans have had to accept real wage losses since 2021.


At least the good wage settlements since the beginning of the year are having an effect. Pensions are also to be adjusted again. There is compensation for the recent sharp rise in prices, which have made almost everything from energy to food more expensive. The fact that inflation is now falling again significantly and is currently forecast by the German government to be just 2.8% in 2024 gives us hope. The cost of living is another important aspect that must be taken into account when considering purchasing power.


Forecast: The wage-price spiral could lose momentum and real purchasing power will stabilize in Germany. 

Commitment to successful marketing

Such growth has not been recorded since the start of the millennium. After a long period of stability, the development of nominal purchasing power already experienced an upswing in 2022 (with an increase of 4.6%) and 2023 (with 3.7%). A new peak has now been reached. 

Map of current purchasing power in Germany in 2024

Manage customer management more efficiently and plan locations, advertising and sales effectively. As an important indicator, knowledge of the forecast purchasing power in 2024 for the whole of Germany can be incorporated directly into the planning of marketing and sales activities and used for micro-geographical (more detailed) regional levels.

Regional distribution of purchasing power

The current analysis, which shows purchasing power in 2024 for the whole of Germany at Municipality level shows the regional distribution of purchasing power.

Purchasing power is particularly high in and around the major cities. The municipalities with the highest purchasing power extend in a crescent shape through the west of Germany, from Hamburg to Hanover and the Rhine region with Düsseldorf, the Rhine-Main area around Frankfurt, the Stuttgart region and the Munich area. The municipalities with the highest purchasing power again include Grünwald near Munich (comparative index 247.9), Wohltorf near Hamburg (208.1) and Königstein im Taunus (190.7). Residents there have around twice as much purchasing power as the national average.


The "poorest" municipalities include Zittau in Saxony (83.6), Wolgast in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (84.5) and Prenzlau in Brandenburg (85.6), all of which are located in the new federal states. However, municipalities in western Germany are also included in this group with low purchasing power. These include cities such as Giessen in Hesse (81.5) and Germersheim in Rhineland-Palatinate (84.4). Trier (85.6) and Bremerhaven (85.8) are also among the cities with low purchasing power.

The east-west difference remains stable 

There is still a difference between the West, which has greater purchasing power, and the East. After the municipalities in eastern Germany have caught up year on year, the difference in purchasing power will remain stable in 2024.


As in the previous year, the purchasing power index in the East excluding Berlin is 91.6, which is 8.4% below the national average. So far, effects such as the multiple increase in the minimum wage, which has had a greater impact in the East than in the West, and the pension equalization completed by 2023 have contributed to a gradual reduction in the purchasing power gap.

Nexiga's purchasing power map provides companies with a valuable basis for finding out the distribution of purchasing power within Germany and deriving strategic decisions from this. By identifying the regions with the highest (and lowest) purchasing power, companies can develop more targeted marketing and sales strategies and estimate resources more efficiently. This is particularly important when planning new locations, branches or sales networks, as choosing the right location can make a significant contribution to a company's success. Taking purchasing power into account is a decisive factor in effectively reaching potential customers and maximizing sales.


Purchasing power is defined here as the portion of disposable income that is freely available to households after deduction of taxes and social security contributions. This includes not only earned income, but also pensions, unemployment benefits, state transfer payments such as citizens' allowance or child benefit, as well as capital income. It is important to note that purchasing power is measured at the population's place of residence, which implies that the purchasing power map does not show where the money is ultimately spent. This can be particularly important for local marketing and local sales strategies, as areas with high purchasing power can be specifically selected for business activities.

In summary, Nexiga's purchasing power map is an indispensable tool for companies that want to be successful on the German market. It enables precise targeting, well-founded location decisions and the optimization of marketing and sales activities based on purchasing power distribution. Companies that use this information can base their strategies on solid data and thus minimize the risk of bad investments.

Sources: Nexiga's own calculations based on data from the DIW (German Institute for Economic Research), the Federal Statistical Office and the Federal Employment Agency. The data basis for the purchasing power map is a combination and enables Nexiga to create a detailed and reliable map of the distribution of purchasing power in Germany.