Geo data

Micro postal code: The finest zip code structure from Nexiga

Nexiga has always offered nationwide market cell grids for detailed geographical analysis. The residential neighborhood s developed in the 1980s cover urban and rural areas with 88,007 territorial units. The neighborhoods consist of a few street blocks and comprise an average of only 450 households. They are proven and excellent building blocks for evaluating catchment and sales areas. Hierarchically, they are embedded in statistical districts, districts and, of course, towns and municipalities, are easy to visualize, homogeneous and statistically stable. 


In the meantime, Nexiga has established Micro postal code another microgeographical grid. At currently 103,316 units, it is comparable to the residential districts, albeit somewhat finer. The key point, however, is that Micro postal code is fully integrated into the grid of 8,175 Postal code areas in addition to being incorporated into administrative area structures such as municipalities. 


The Micro postal code therefore combines two worlds of spatial boundaries, the official and the postal. It can therefore be understood and used as a subdivision of the zip code structure. All potentials (inhabitants, households, purchasing power, customers, etc.) can be easily aggregated to the common Zip code level. 

Fine-spatial geodata describe individual areas in detail and with pinpoint accuracy and can be clearly related to each other on maps.

Micro postal code Map

As the number of microZip code areas is more than twelve times higher than the number of zip code areas in Germany, this results in a corresponding increase in resolution. This is crucial for precise spatial analyses and the resulting measures for sales and advertising planning or store management. Potentials can be identified more precisely and neighborhoods can be better mapped.

A new standard has been defined with the fine-grained and highly segmented analysis grid Micro postal code . The structure is also used by Nexiga partner MB Micromarketing GmbH, Düsseldorf, for example. One result of the cooperation is the application of this area structure to the well-known Sinus-Milieus®, the gold standard of consumer typologies. The demo version of the Nexiga Market Analyst online shows how detailed the milieus can be displayed in the grid of over 1,000 Micro postal code in the city of Cologne.


Do you have questions about this special geometry? We will be happy to help and advise you. Just give us a call!

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