Market & Trends

Location Intelligence today

At the Esri conference starting today (11-14.10.21), everything revolves around the topic of location intelligence. 


Challenges and megatrends are expected in numerous sessions. One reason to revisit the term here, which has a lot in common with geomarketing, but not everything.


We are right in the middle of it every day. When it comes to quickly locating the nearest grocery store or looking for the next bus stop with our smartphone. Not only are our running routes from our weekly jogging session tracked, we also share them with our friends and even voluntarily reveal current "live locations". A lot has happened since the first cell phone with a GPS receiver was developed in 2005 and location information is more important than ever, and not just in our private lives. For companies and organizations in particular, the question of "where..." is and remains crucial for planning and analysis.

Location intelligence is the extension of business intelligence to include the spatial dimension. Location intelligence not only makes it possible to understand what the customer does and why. Above all, location intelligence makes it possible to understand where (potential) customers are located, where high potential and high sales opportunities are to be expected, or to use optimal poster locations for marketing and sales campaigns in line with target groups.

Recognize correlations with location intelligence

It has long been clear that "data is the new oil". (Clive Humby, 2006). This metaphor fits very well, not only in terms of value, but also in terms of the necessary processing. To get the best out of your data, it must be collected (mined) and processed. Companies use business intelligence (BI) solutions to systematically analyze the ever-increasing volumes of data. This allows company data to be merged, analyzed and evaluated in order to generate new insights into business processes and customer behaviour. Enriched with spatial information, they then form the basis for location intelligence. This is just one aspect of the diverse range of services and applications, which also includes the protection of resources and living spaces.


Location Intelligence (LI) describes the enrichment, visualization and analysis of location data in order to view knowledge and findings about markets and (potential) customers and to illustrate them with a suitable geo-information system.


In practice, for us this means linking, analysing and visualizing millions of geodata with millions of market data in a meaningful and intelligent way for our customers. Today, the immense variety of data from a wide range of sources presents every company - in almost all economic sectors - with the challenge of meaningful data selection.

Enrich data intelligently - Know more. Achieve more!


With over 300 additional data features and approx. 28 million building details, you can enrich and refine your own company data. Simply browse through our database.

Spatial relationships and correlations are made clear with the help of maps and location applications that are otherwise not recognizable. Understanding spatial data gives your company a competitive advantage in the market, because there is more to data than meets the eye.

The identification and localization of potential customers has become part of everyday life and is part of companies' strategic calculations through intelligent use. Companies such as DPD, Hermes and dennree have been able to use Nexiga's data and technology to carry out accurate data analyses, location planning and area planning.


Read more about the application of location intelligence in our case studies click here.

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