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Location, location, 1b location

From a retail perspective, the much-cited 1B location is more akin to the 2nd Bundesliga. According to the classic definition, this refers to side streets branching off from the pedestrian zones, but the transitions to the more highly regarded A-location are fluid.

After all, retail is always changing, just like the economy, rents and consumer trends. For the big brands, only the prime locations are considered for stationary retail anyway. But sometimes only a few meters decide the success of a location.

What makes a good location?

1B location, always on the move

There is this Wenzelgasse on the northern edge of Bonn's city center: pedestrian zoneless than 200 meters long, perceived 1B locationsomehow not really cozy. If you come from the more prestigious market square, you immediately feel the difference to the top locations. In this Street segment, which definitely has a high pedestrian frequency has been a source of unrest for years. unrest in the retail landscape.


The saying "Retail in transition", which was also the motto of one of our events last year, sums it up quite well here. There are always closures, conversions and new openings. It is a strange mixture of high-end retail (including Hunkemöller and Vorwerk stores), noisy jeans stores, snack bars and even a branch for cash transfers. There also used to be two discount bookshops there. Those who can afford it, like the ubiquitous stores from the telecommunications sector, prefer to move directly to the prime locations. However, new impulses are constantly emerging. For example, the Berlin cult label Liebeskind recently opened a new store in this very street.


The definition of locations is not standardized anyway. If you look at the description on the Immobilienscout24 portal, it is clear: "The best location is the prime location." More precisely, this is a business location in the center of a city with the highest pedestrian frequency, which includes all the usual product ranges in a city center, such as clothing, shoes, leather goods, gift items, porcelain or books. Then there are the 2A locations in the secondary core of a city with high footfall. Accordingly, there are 1B and 2B locations that are directly adjacent to the respective A locations.


High pedestrian frequency

So how can we characterize our Wenzelgasse? There are several top stores, i.e. major chain stores. The footfall is high - although not top - and certainly corresponds to an A-location, although many people tend to flow through here like on a highway feeder road. However, the geodata on our map does not show this. Click here to open the map (PDF)


The example here in Bonn is exemplary for many streets in German city centers. It often depends on the micro-location anyway. Even the short Wenzelgasse can be divided into two different sections: Quite okay or rather problematic. In its article on the economics of prime locations, brand eins magazine reported that the turnover of a Hugendubel branch (bookstore) in Würzburg, which was relocated just 100 meters inside the city centre, had increased by 50 percent. The new location is right next to the streetcar stop.


Market data goes business

With the market data from Nexiga Business, we offer all the relevant decision-making aids you need for strategically sensible placement. For retailers, we provide spatial information on consumer focal points, top stores and footfall. More information can be found here.

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