Target groups

Back to School: Education data package

So it happened again last week: Pupils in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are also back at school. Traditionally, they are usually the last to return from the summer vacations in the southern states. In the far north, as in Schleswig-Holstein, they have been over since the beginning of August, as if cold northerly winds were already driving people away from the dunes and beaches. There, however, the fall vacations are already coming up at the beginning of October.


The new start at schools is known as the "back to school season", especially in the USA. The sales opportunities are enormous. Large-scale marketing campaigns are being designed accordingly. The trend has long since spilled over to us.

Lots of money for the new school year

Occasion-related purchasing behavior - as it is called in the specialist literature - can be found all year round. Easter and Christmas are the most prominent examples. On a smaller scale, Valentine's Day or even Halloween offer good opportunities to bring certain products to the people. The back-to-school season, which is best started early in the summer at the beginning of the vacations, is interesting and increasingly important economically. After all, it's time to buy new clothes or important items, from writing pads to laptops.


This season is an important economic factor, especially in the USA. According to Statista, average spending per household has risen steadily over the years to around USD 850 in 2021. At the start of the study period in 2004, the figure was still around USD 500. The main beneficiaries of this boom are full-range retailers such as Target or Macy's and large companies in the textile industry such as VF Corp (with brands such as Vans, North Face, Timberland, Wrangler), but also tech icons such as Apple or Samsung, from whom pupils and students are snapping up the latest tablet PCs and smartphones from the (virtual) shelves.


The figures for Germany are comparable. For example, the savings banks state that parents spend an average of EUR 970 on school enrollment. An enormous market volume: in the 2020/2021 school year, more than 750,000 children started school, an increase of around 2.5% compared to the previous year.

Training data package and school database

In line with this topic, we offer the education data package. This comprises market data with the number of pupils, students and trainees - in each case at the place of residence. These values are available at various geographical levels: Municipalities, zip codes (Zip code) as well as micro-geographically for residential neighborhoods and Micro postal code, which subdivide Zip code in a fine-grained and homogeneous manner.


The training data is calculated by Nexiga. The source of the input data at a broad level (districts and municipalities) is the Federal Statistical Office and the Federal Employment Agency. This data can be important parameters, e.g. for location planning: at municipal level for planning schools (expansion or new construction, merging), service providers in the field of further education, etc. Companies in the telecommunications and IT sector or office equipment providers have also recognized trainees as an important target group.


In addition, we carry out an annual forecast of career startersand first-year students, which can also be used as the basis for small-scale potential and market exploitation analyses. In addition, our Nexiga school database currently contains 32,000 addresses with information on school type and size throughout Germany. Want an example? Our map (PDF ) shows the spatial distribution of pupils and trainees in Berlin.

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