Municipal heat planning 2.0 // Competence talk Energy 2024

April 25, 2024
at 2 pm

Location Twin®: New perspectives for cities and communities

The efficiency of the heat supply is determined by the energy consumption and the performance of the infrastructure. Geodata, building data and much more provide a comprehensive picture of a specific area and ensure that planning and simulations can be carried out to a realistic degree. Questions that arise in this context are


With the modeling and targeted efficiency analysis of physical buildings, locations and areas for the heat transition.

At the start of 2024, the standard funding rate fell to 60% and the increased funding rate to 80%. With the Heat Planning and Decarbonization of Heating Networks Act, the German government is obliging local authorities to draw up heating plans. How the local heat supply can be transformed towards climate neutrality with intelligent solutions and approaches is one of the focus topics of this event.


Experts from the field will present current projects, tools and strategies for municipal heat planning. The combination of presentations and subsequent barbecue seminar make this event an exclusive Nexiga event of a special kind.


Dr.-Ing. Niklas Wehbring

Head of Strategic Asset Management

enercity AG

From municipal heat planning to implementation - heat transition using the practical example of Hanover

Responsible for Strategic Asset Management at enercity AG, Dr. Niklas Wehbring ensures the strategic planning, development and optimization of the company's assets in the energy sector. With a sustainable, efficient and economically successful asset strategy that meets both current market requirements and future developments, he demonstrates his in-depth understanding of technical and economic aspects in electrical engineering as well as numerous research and development projects in the field of digital technologies.


Manuel Baur

Head of Integrated Infrastructure Planning

badenovaNETZE GmbH

Municipal energy master planning - a joint task from digital target grid planning to dialog with property decision-makers

The forestry and environmental science graduate is responsible for the Integrated Infrastructure Planning department at badenovanNETZE and is passionate about actively shaping the transformation of the energy supply. The department comprises a team of 13 project engineers with a focus on the legally required municipal heat planning, albeit in the broader sense of integrated energy master planning, which serves as a well-founded guide to a greenhouse gas-neutral energy supply.


Kai Hänig

 SVP Portfolio Development

Sören Marquardt

SVP Business Development

digikoo GmbH

Intelligent platform for the entire heat planning process

Kai is a competent and experienced expert in the fields of entrepreneurship, IT and product management. In addition to his responsibility and development of our company's product portfolio, Kai is working on his professional basketball career.

Sören's passion is to establish disruptive technologies in the platform world that help to tackle climate change in a sustainable and contemporary digital way. In his sales management position, he is keen to share ideas and thoughts on digitalization strategies for venues.



Karsten Lentner

Expert for geoinformation systems and geodata

Stadtwerke Karlsruhe Netzservice GmbH

Data in municipal heat planning: challenges and application

Karsten Lentner, an expert in the field of geographic information systems (GIS) and geodata, brings the cross-industry knowledge and experience he gained during his academic career and his subsequent work as a project manager at Nexiga to his new role. At Stadtwerke Karlsruhe Netzservice, he is now fully dedicated to data analysis and evaluation, especially in the context of municipal heat planning with the aim of optimizing urban infrastructures and services.


Norbert Stankus

Director Energy & E-Mobility

Nexiga Ltd.

"Energy transition controller" - The dashboard for calculating energy transition scenarios: Cost and measure forecast of the energy transition for each municipality until 2045    

As Director Energy & E-Mobility, Norbert Stankus has many years of experience at location intelligence provider Nexiga and advises the eon Group, EWE, Badenova and Lichtblick, among others, as a key account manager. His expertise in all aspects of the energy transition, heat planning and e-mobility is also in demand for numerous projects for municipal utilities and grid operators as well as manufacturers of e-vehicles. He is an enthusiastic e-car driver and is also privately committed to the mobility transition.