Webinar: Open Data - Now it's official

June 18, 2024
at 11 a.m.

Use geodata sets free of charge in future?

Open Data stands for free access to data. 

But what does that mean in concrete terms? 

What advantages does it offer and what challenges are there?

European directive sets standards

The European directive that relates to open data and the reuse of public sector information is Directive (EU) 2019/1024. This directive is also known as the "Open Data Directive".

The Open Data Directive aims to promote the free access and re-use of data collected by public bodies in the Member States of the European Union. The main objectives of this directive include:

Open Data Webinar Invitation

Nexiga lecture

Official database

Using open data correctly

The high accuracy and reliability of our services guarantee you the quality and high performance you need for your planning.

Location intelligence with open data

Your speaker

Dirk Schneider

Managing Director

Nexiga Ltd.

schneider@nexiga.com |T +49 228 8496-100